Friday, December 31, 2010


Ramai yang masih tidak tahu bahawa kita boleh berkomunikasi menggunakan video chat dalam facebook.. berikut merupakan langkah-langkah untuk video chat dalam facebook:

LANGKAH 1 : Klik pada icon "Video". kemudian klik pada "Record Video"

LANGKAH 2 : Klik pada icon "Allow"untuk membenarkan anda berkomunikasi dalam perisian ini.

LANGKAH 3:  Taipkan "Video Chat Rounds" dalam kotak SEARCH. Paparan seterusnya akan kelihatan. Sila klik pada icon "Allow."

LANGKAH 4 : Klik pada gambar rakan yang anda ingin hubungi. Selepas itu paparan "Calling" akan kelihatan.

LANGKAH 5 : Anda boleh berkomunikasi dengan rakan anda apabila gambar rakan tertera di skrin.

LANGKAH 6 : Anda boleh menambah kesan sampingan dengan klik pada "Interactive Menu", dan memilih mana-mana Effect untuk menggambarkan perasaan anda ketika berkomunikasi.

LANGKAH 7 : Anda juga boleh berkomunikasi dengan menaip menggunakan ruangan chatting di bawah video.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Dale’s Cone of Experience

Description. Dale’s Cone of Experience is a model that incorporates several theories related to instructional design and learning processes. During the 1960s, Edgar Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they“do” as opposed to what is “heard”, “read” or “observed”. His research led to the development of the Cone of Experience. Today, this “learning by doing” has become known as “experiential learning” or “action learning”. The cone is diagramed and explained in the next sections.

Source: Adapted from E. Dale, Audiovisual Methods in Teaching, 1969, NY: Dryden Press.

How Can Instructors Use the Cone of Experience?
According to Dale’s research, the least effective method at the top, involves learning from information
presented through verbal symbols, i.e., listening to spoken words. The most effective methods at the bottom,
involves direct, purposeful learning experiences, such as hands-on or field experience. Direct purposeful
experiences represents reality or the closet things to real, everyday life.
The cone charts the average retention rate for various methods of teaching. The further you progress down
the cone, the greater the learning and the more information is likely to be retained. It also suggests that when
choosing an instructional method it is important to remember that involving students in the process strengthens
knowledge retention.
It reveals that “action-learning” techniques result in up to 90% retention. People learn best when they use
perceptual learning styles. Perceptual learning styles are sensory based. The more sensory channels possible in interacting with a resource, the better chance that many students can learn from it. According to Dale, instructors should design instructional activities that build upon more real-life experiences.
Dales’ cone of experience is a tool to help instructors make decisions about resources and
activities. The instructor can ask the following:
• Where will the student’s experience with this instructional resource fit on the cone? How far is it
removed from real-life?
• What kind of learning experience do you want to provide in the classroom?
• How does this instructional resource augment the information supplied by the textbook?
• What and how many senses can students use to learn this instructional material?
• Does the instructional material enhance learning?

Diamond, Robert M. Designing and Improving Courses and Curricula in Higher Education. San Francisco,
Jossey-Bass, 1989.
Dale, Edgar. Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, 3rd ed., Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1969, p.
Bruner, Jerome S. Toward a Theory of Instruction, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1966, p. 49.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Tarikh : 11.12.2010 (Sabtu)
Tempat : Makmal Komputer FE2 UUM
Info  : hari ni kelas IT dilanjutkan sehingga jam 4 petang...kelas 1+2.... utk sesi tengah hari kami belajar Adobe Photoshop...tugasan pertama En Hasnan minta semua student buat kad ucapat Selamat Tahun Baru 2011 dengan menggunakan teknik crop dan lasso tool...belek punya belek gambar yang bersesuaian terjumpalak gambar fawwaz dgn baju bunga2nya... tetiba ja si fawwaz ni jadi duta bercuti-cuti Malaysia...umminya pulak jadi duta musim bunga...hehe..

Gambar Asal


Gambar Asal 


yeye...bercuti kat pantai mana ya ni ... : )

Tugasan Hari Ini 11 Dis 2010 : bina cover CD

Tarikh : 11 Disember 2010
Tempat : Makmal Komputer UUM
Info    : Tugasan hari ini semua pelajar dikehendaki membuat cover CD masing-masing menngunakan MS word...kenapa ya...mungkin sebab sekejap lagi kamai akan belajar edit gambar menggunakan Adobe Photoshop...jadi dapat buat banding beza hasil gambar yang diedit guna word dengan gambar diedit menggunakan adobe photoshop... semestinya guna Adobe Photoshop lagi cantik.......

Seven Principles: Using Technology to Improve Learning

Top ten tips for using technology in the classroom

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

fawwaz dan Tom N Jerry

Alkisah... anak bujang huda yang sorang ni sangatlah minat dengan kartun Tom N Jerry ... Kiranya kalu nk senang wat keja buka ja Tom N Jerry , Fawwaz akan tersenyum riang... Apa yg paling penting Ummu Fawwaz leh la wat kerja tanpa gangguan ...